Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Introducing ZiZi Zinfandel Z-Dog!

ZiZi Zinfandel Z-Dog
Following our introduction at the ZINO Society 5th Birthday and Magnum Party last week by Kathryn Barnard, photographer extraordinaire and her original owner, we are the proud owners of newly named ZiZi Zinfandel Z-DogKathryn brought her to the birthday party because after our Dog Days of Summer Party the previous week when she was taking photos of al the dogs in attendance and their owners, she realized that Ken and I were "dogless" since our adored little 14-year-old Maltese, Callie, had passed away in April.   

I didn't think I was ready for another dog and I was only interested in another Maltese, not a Yorkshire Terrier!  But, she is already wrapping Ken and me and everyone with whom she comes in contact around her tiny little paw!  At ZINO Society, she has become another member of the Z-TeamElizabeth lets her sit on her lap while she works.  Mary comes and wakes her up while she is sleeping to take her outside, which ZiZi does not like, but does like the cuddling that she gets from everyone in the office.

Mary and ZiZi
Elizabeth and ZiZi
ZiZi kisses Mary

Clearly ZiZi doesn't really approve of the landscape (or lack thereof) around our new office and picks her way very gingerly through the dirt and gravel.  Mary has already affectionately nicknamed her "ZiZi, Slum-Dog Zillionaire".Don't be surprised if the next time you go on the ZINO Society website to see her included on the Z-Team page as a full member of the team! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it found a home - what a great dog. Ken will grow to love it as well - who wouldn't.


