Saturday, April 24, 2010

Drinking and Driving!

It was grey and overcast this morning with a stiff wind blowing, but Deb Doran, Dana Reid and I decided to play our scheduled game of golf anyway at my home course, Overlake Golf & Country Club. OGCC still has the archaic rule that only men are allowed to play on Saturday mornings until after 11:00 am. Of course, the fact that Deb, Dana and I all work fulltime during the week along with many other female golf members is not a consideration. I will save this fight for another time, but don’t you think it is time for these private golf clubs to recognize that we are in a new century and embrace the fact that it is a different world now than it was when these rules were initially established? Some may still be surprised to learn that women even have the right to vote now! I digress . . .

Deb and Dana are both beautiful golfers with long, clean drives and precise and accurate putting. I, on the other hand, tend to flail about the course almost always at least a couple of strokes behind. Though I am pleased that I did make one par today on hole #12, beating both of them on that hole only.

Throughout our game, the wind continued to get more aggressive and though we all had jackets, it was very cold. On the back nine, Tim, one of the assistant pros, stopped by to talk with Deb and me to see how we were doing and offered to bring us a drink. Dana had been talking about a hot chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps from the moment she alighted shivering from her car, so Deb and I were happy to surprise her with one when Tim returned bearing three piping hot chocolates laced with Peppermint Schnapps.

It was a drink that I hadn't tasted in years, but I have to admit that it was absolutely delicious. In fact, my drives improved almost immediately so I have decided that I am now a proponent of “drinking and driving” (only golf balls of course)!


  1. Very clever turn of the phrase "drinking and driving". Nicely done.

  2. Hi, Cathi! Deb forwarded this to me and I loved hearing about your golf outing! And, if I knew that I could get a hot chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps on the course, I just might take up golf! :-) Glad to know you are out there swinging the clubs and having some fun. Give Ken a hug for me! Cheers! Claudia Sangster

