Friday, February 17, 2012

A Russian Celebration for Valentine's Day Book Club

l-r: Diane Kuenster, Jan Rogers, Kathy Haggart,
Susan Neumann, Cathi Hatch, Joyce McCallum,
Pam Kaiser, Sherryl Wilson
Once each year, it is my turn to host the book review and luncheon for my Book Club at my home and this year my turn fell on Valentine's Day.  I thought about setting the table with hearts and flowers but then realized that it might be more fun to reflect the book we were reading this past month which was the biography, "Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman" by Robert K. Massie.  The book is 628 pages long and completely covers Russian history from Catherines's birth in 1729 as a German princess through her death in 1796 as Empress of Russia.  I still haven't had time to actually finish the book (according to my Kindle, I am 58% of the way through), but I feel like I am living in Russia during that era as I read it because it is so full of detail.

Salad of Belgian Endive, Hearts of
Palm, Beet & Pistachio Nuts

Meringue with Berries and
Chocolate Chip Cream
Susan Neumann was the designated book reviewer this month and she did a fanastic job of finding interesting details and reviews to share.  Also attending Book Club this month were Diane Kuenster, Sherryl Wilson, Pam Kaiser, Joyce McCallum, Kathy Haggart and Jan Rogers.

I decided to produce a hybrid Russian theme with touches of Valentine's Day as well.  The table was set with cobalt blue china while the flowers were definitely Valentine's Day since they included red roses and pink and white tulips.  The menu was also a mixture and included the following:
Amuse Course
Miniature Blinis with Creme Fraiche and Caviar
Shot of Icy Russisn Vodka served in jewel tone crystal shot glasses

Salad Course
Belgian Endive, Hearts of Palm, Heart-Shaped Beet with Pistachio Nuts, Blue Cheese and Vinaigrette
Heart-Shaped Parmesan, Pesto and Prosciutto Palmiers

Entree Course
Oversize Raddiatore Pasta with Carmelized Onion and Fennel with Bacon,
Roasted Asparagus, Fresh Shaved Parmesan, Seasoned Bread Crumbs served on a bed of
Sauteed Garlic Spinach and topped with s Soft Poached Egg

Dessert Course
Heart-Shaped Baked Meringues filled with Fresh Strawberries & Raspberries
and topped with Chocolate Chip Cream
Kathy Haggart and Susan Neumann

Judy Bone, Caterer Extraordinaire with Diane Kuenster
and Jan Rogers

Long-time friend and caterer, Judy (Bone) Hebert of Hey Jude Catering partnered with me to produce the luncheon calmly and efficiently as she always does.

Book Club was a success, but now I just have to finish the book!   

