Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome Jamee Nunnelee!

Jamee Nunnelee
As part of recent organizational changes at ZINO Society, I am so pleased to welcome our new Vice President of Membership, Jamee Nunnelee, to the Z-Team!

Jamee is a Seattle native who spent the better portion of her childhood sailing around the world with her family.  Through these experiences her life’s passion has been on relationship building and connecting ideas and people. Jamee has worked in luxury real estate,  green commercial real estate and hi-tech. She also had a small catering business on Bainbridge Island and therefore loves fine food and wine in textbook ZINO style! In fact, she is a past ZINO Society Social member.

She enjoys philanthropy and her current focus is on the Seattle Art Museum Supporters organizing fundraisers for SAM. She is an avid tennis player, has a wonderful son named Kai and two miniature (very old) dachshunds.  She is excited to meet all the ZINO Society Roundtable, Social, ZINOpreneur, Sponsor, VC Financial and Wine Professional members to help promote new business in our community. 

If you are already a ZINO Society member or interested in finding out more about ZINO Society membership, please click here to send Jamee an email of introduction.  I know that she is eager to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Jamee - Welcome to Zino Society! This is a GREAT organization and I'm happy to see you on board and helping Cathi continue its success. I look forward to meeting you at one of their events.


