Saturday, June 1, 2013

JLS Past Presidents' Luncheon and a New Tradition

Junior League of Seattle Past, Present and Future Presidents
This past week I attended the annual luncheon for Past Presidents of the Junior League of Seattle.  Outgoing JLS President Ashley Baerwaldt organized it to introduce incoming President Rebecca Wilson.  The luncheon was held at the elegant Sunset Club in Seattle.

The JLS Past Presidents Annual Luncheon tradition began with past president Marli Iverson (1978-79) thirty-four years ago when she decided to host a luncheon to introduce her successor.  

Ashley Baerwaldt explaining the new tradition and
starting the gavel with Kate Webster.

JLS Past Presidents applauding Rebecca Wilson's
acceptance of the gavel.
This year, Ashley implemented what she hopes will become a new tradition at these luncheons each year.  She lined up the past presidents in attendance in order of their time of service as JLS President, so the line began with Kate Webster (1960-62) and proceeded with Barbee Crutcher (1968-69), Anne Farrell, (1972-73), Colleen Willoughby (1974-75), Marli Iverson (1978-79), Marcia Zech (1982-83), Anne Blair (1984-85), Judy Holder (1986-87), Cathi Hatch (1991-92), Dot Fuller (1993-94), Susan Hubbard (1994-95), JP Brigham (1995-96), Sue Minihan (1997-98), Evelyn Zabo (2005-05), Rhonda Neben (2005-06), Chrissey Miller (2006-07), Elizabeth Reilly (2009-10), Natalie Bowman (2010-11), Renee Hartnett (2011-12), Ashley Baerwaldt (2012-13) and finally ended with Rebecca Wilson (2013-14).  The President's gavel was passed down the line beginning with Kate Webster from past president to past president until finally it was put into new President, Rebecca Wilson's hands.

It was a powerful reminder of how important each of us have been in that long line of past presidents, each doing our best along with our leadership teams to make a difference in our community and train future volunteer leaders.  
Outgoing President, Ashley Baerwaldt
Rebecca now has the opportunity along with her leadership team to lead the Junior League of Seattle into the 90th year since its founding in 1923.

I am sure that the other past presidents who attended the luncheon will join me in thanking Ashley for her most recent leadership and service, and wishing Rebecca the very best as she takes on the opportunities and challenges of her year as President of the Junior League of Seattle!  


  1. Such a lovely event and a great new tradition.

  2. What an inspirational day! Crissey Miller

